Domestic Violence Lawyers Brisbane

Domestic Violence Lawyers Brisbane




How Can Aitken Whyte Lawyers’ Domestic Violence Lawyers Represent Me?

Aitken Whyte Lawyers Brisbane can:

  • apply for a Domestic Violence Order (DVO) on your behalf; or
  • assist you if an individual or the police have made an application naming you as the Respondent.

Our Brisbane domestic violence lawyers bring expertise as well as understanding and compassion. We defend the rights of Aggrieved persons and Respondents to Domestic Violence Applications.

Our Brisbane lawyers understand the various issues for people dealing with:

  • domestic and family violence; or
  • the threat of a Domestic Violence Order.

Domestic Violence” has a wide definition. Domestic violence can include actions ranging from sexual abuse, psychological abuse, physical and emotional abuse, stalking, coercion and control to economic and financial abuse. Our Brisbane lawyers have worked on cases involving different relationships and motivations. Our Brisbane Domestic violence lawyers understand people’s circumstances vary. Each situation requires a unique approach and our legal services reflect this.

Our Brisbane lawyers know these situations are many-faceted, rather than straightforward. We are aware of the intricacies involved and what the Magistrates’ Courts consider.

Our Brisbane lawyers also understand the emotional and legal consequences of DVOs. An Order will impact both those listed as well as the families of both parties.

When Do You Hire A Domestic Violence Lawyer?

There are three main reasons you may need to engage a Brisbane Domestic Violence Lawyer. These are if:

  1. An Order, or an application for an Order, names you as the Aggrieved;
  2. An Order, or an application for an Order, names you as the Respondent; or
  3. The police have charged you with a criminal offence:
    1. related to domestic violence; or
    2. which they allege occurred in the context of domestic violence.
If You Are an Aggrieved or Protected Person

You should consider engaging a Brisbane domestic violence lawyer if:

  • You need to apply for a Domestic Violence Order;
  • The police have applied for a Domestic Violence Order on your behalf; or
  • You want to vary the conditions or operational period of an existing Order.
If You Are A Respondent

You should consider engaging a Brisbane domestic violence lawyer if:

If Police Have Charged You with A Criminal Offence

Police can only bring some criminal charges in the context of domestic violence. These are:

  1. Breach of a Domestic Violence Order; and
  2. Chocking, suffocation, or strangulation.

Other offences can also be “aggravated” by having occurred in a domestic setting. For example, sexual assault against a partner.

As these are serious charges, talk to our criminal lawyers about legal representation. Each of our Brisbane domestic violence lawyers also practices in Criminal Defence.

Applying for Domestic Violence Orders in Brisbane

The first step to applying for a Domestic Violence Order is to complete and file an Application Form. Our Brisbane domestic violence lawyers can file this application on your behalf.

You can request to include:

  • your children; or
  • any other family member who is at risk of violence;

on the Order as “protected persons”.

If the Court grants the order, the Magistrate will specify conditions. The Respondent (person who has committed domestic violence) must follow any conditions. These offer violence protection to the Aggrieved and protected persons.

Responding to Domestic Violence Orders in Brisbane

A Respondent to an application for a Domestic Violence Order can:

  • negotiate;
  • consent; or
  • object to or oppose the Order.

The Court may also ask you to agree to an intervention order to attend an intervention program. Our Brisbane domestic violence lawyers can explain your options in detail. Before consenting to an Order, you should be aware of all options. Any later allegation you have breached the Order may result in criminal charges.

How to Get in Touch with Our Domestic Violence Lawyers

Our Brisbane domestic violence lawyers are here to discuss your circumstances and options. To get legal advice from a domestic violence lawyer in Brisbane:

If you would prefer, we can also organise a face-to-face meeting with a Brisbane lawyer.

There are also support services available. DVConnect assists men, women, LGBTIQ+ people, indigenous Australians, and Torres Strait Islanders. Contact:

  • Mensline – 1800 600 636 between 9 am and midnight, 7 days
  • Womensline – 1800 811 811 24/7
  • 1800 RESPECT – 1800 727 732 24/7

Kids Helpline is also available for children and young adults, and parents and carers on 1800 55 1800 24/7.

Further Information

Our Brisbane lawyers have answered some common questions below:

What Is Domestic Violence in Australia?

Who Can Apply for A Domestic Violence Order?

Who Is the Aggrieved and Who Is the Respondent? Who Else Can the Order Include?

When Will the Court Grant an Application for A Domestic Violence Order?

What Conditions Does A Domestic Violence Order Impose?

What Options Does A Respondent to An Application for A Domestic Violence Order Have?

What Is A Temporary Protection Order (TPO)?

How Long Does A Domestic Violence Order Last?

Can You Apply to Vary A Domestic Violence Order?

What Happens If You Breach A Domestic Violence Order?

What If You Have Family Court Orders or Proceedings Before the Family Law Courts?

Will A Domestic Violence Order Revoke Your Weapons Licence?

Should You Consider Written Parenting Arrangements?

What Is the Offence of Choking, Suffocation, Or Strangulation in A Domestic Setting?

Office Location and Contact Details


Aitken Whyte Lawyers Brisbane
2/414 Upper Roma Street
Brisbane QLD 4000

Ph: 07 3229 4459
Fax: +617 3211 9311